"I don't undersand", "Could you speak more slowly, please!", "I'm learning Polish" and some more.
I hope that you don't need an expression "I don't speak Polish" any more. The girl in the picture on the left doesn't seem to feel very comfortable with this phrase.
Let's begin our lesson. As always, you can listen to recordings with all Polish words and expression (bold print).
Let's begin our lesson. As always, you can listen to recordings with all Polish words and expression (bold print).
The most useful phrases are:
- Czy mówisz po polsku? (Do you speak Polish?)
- Czy mówisz po polsku? (Do you speak Polish?)
- Nie, niestety. (No, unfortunately).
- Czy mówisz po polsku? (Do you speak Polish?)
Another useful dialogue:
- Czy rozumiesz po polsku? Do you understand Polish?
- Tak, dużo rozumiem, ale słabo mówię po polsku. Yes, I understand a lot, but I hardly speak Polish (more literally: Yes, I understand much, but I speak Polish poorly.)
Here is a recording with first three dialogues above (Polish native speaker's voice):
Here is a recording with first three dialogues above (Polish native speaker's voice):
Sometimes we don't understand what our foreign interlocutor says because he speaks too fast. Another time he uses some new words or grammar structures. But remember: words you want to hear are the easiest to understand, aren't they? Look at a picture below!
The dialogue in the picture above with the translation:
- Czy mnie rozumiesz? (Do you understand me?)
- Nie rozumiem! (I don't understand.)
- Jesteś bardzo ładna! (You are very pretty!)
- Teraz rozumiem! (Now I understand!)
Look at a picture below. A girl called Jane (British, American?) uses some very helpful expressions which you need talking to Polish native speakers ("please speak more slowly", "Repeat it, please"). But why this young Pole (her admirer) seems to be so confused in the end?
The dialogue in the picture with translation:
- Kocham Cię! (I love you)
- Nie rozumiem. Proszę powtórzyć. (I don't understand. Repeat, please)
- Kocham Cię, Jane! (I love you, Jane)
- Proszę mówić wolniej. (Please, speak more slowly)
Please, learn how to say "I love you" in Polish (just as a precaution).
Here is a recording with the two dialogues above (Polish native speaker voice):
And the last today's scene. We can call this scene: "Do you like me? Or...?"
We will learn how to ask a Polish native speaker to speak to us in Polish instead of English (it is necessary if you want to practise your Polish).
- Would you like a drink with me? (Eng.)
- Mów do mnie po polsku. Uczę sie polskiego. (Speak to me in Polish! I learn Polish.)
- Dobrze! Napijesz się ze mną? (Ok! Would you like a drink with me?)
- Jasne! Bardzo lubię polskie piwo! (Sure! I like Polish beer very much!).
But does she like him? Not only Polish girls are sometimes cruel (heartless).
Here is a recording with the dialogue above (Polish native speaker voice):
good - thanks very much for so excellent a site!
ReplyDeleteThank you. You are welcome.
Deletehej, jestem polakiem, przypadkowo trafilem na tę stronkę.
ReplyDeletepowodzenia w nauce polskiego ! ;)
Poland is OK.
Yeah! Polacy wymiatają c':